Wednesday, November 4, 2009

--> I m p r i n t .

Everyone you meet, every person you exchange glances with, every being leaves an imprint. They press on your polished heart in some way. They could strengthen it, stimulate it, sadden it, or soothe it. Since every human has a heart, be it broken or thriving, they all have the capability of impacting someone else's, whether they realize it or not. Even a numb heart can be held and turned in the right hands, revealing the other polished side. I like the idea of imprinting another heart, although the process can vary from staying up until four in the morning to saying a simple "I love you." Tears can deeply cleanse and harshly sting a heart. It's good to experience both of these, though, because what's the good in healing something that hasn't been hurt? I suggest that next time you feel your heart being imprinted, to completely let it go and watch what happens. If it limps back, soaked in remnants of a broken spirit, hold it, love it, and caress its newfound imprint.

Friday, June 26, 2009


When time is blurred together with thought, and hope is nothing more than a dream, a soul is lost; its shadow fades into the darkness. When angelic light surmounts all desolation, why is it that thoughts are draped with black silk and clouds loom just low enough to suffocate? Brightly sinister, joyfully ominous, brilliantly obscure, confusion chokes the omniscient, misdirection leads the wise. Eyes close, lips tremulously spell all that is good, if only to diminish the despondency of such evil or escape into superficial bliss reserved for perfection. Ears receive only what is spoken, hearts receive only silence between words. Whispers transform to screams as those who breathe sink to their knees. Faces to the ground, realization cries that words are not salvation. The ice of fire engulfs the foundation of lost souls. The tears of joy from those above rain upon the darkness down below. Stability thrusts upside-down and nothing looks the way it sounds. If only the speck of light afar would cease its attenuation and instead comfort the cold of heart and ignorant of mind. Depression overwhelms and penetrates, even though it was present from the beginning. Tears would make one happy to know of sheer existence, but now all they do is keep reminding of the pain. Smothering turns to stabbing turns to burning turns to drowning turns to everlasting prolonging never-ceasing permanent constant death.