Monday, August 25, 2008

Death Does Prevail

Surrounded by life
Death still prevails.
Center of all fear
All motivation for survival.
Like a black hole
In a midst of dancing
and bliss and color.
But sometimes the frustration,
disappointment and pain of life
Makes the inevitable seem so sweet.
Like an escape.
But like it or not
When death prevails
It's eternal.
Life lasts for an instant
So the most we can do
Is make it count for some of what it's worth.
And when death does prevail
We can take it as we find it.
Don't run from it, because it will only chase after you.
And prevailing death is no slow runner.


stop searching for perfection.
we both know you can't handle it.
and yet it's your obsession.
there are things you need to omit
from your already pathetic life.
but you can't cut them out with that knife
you hold to your throat.
I'm here to help you,
not to encourage your stupid ideas
like your other so-called friends.
I'm here to listen to you,
not to shove the truth in your face.
but I will tell you what's right and wrong.
stop searching for perfection.
are you serious? look at yourself.
your thoughts hit your mind like an infection.
you have a blade to your throat
because you futilely attempted the impossible.
Let me tell you: If everybody lived up
to everybody's expectations,
everybody would feel the strong obligation
to shoot everybody in the head.
stop searching for perfection.
stop the obsession.
stop the infection.
Live the life I know you can.
Map your own journey, make your own plans.
Be the person I know you are.
Please take my advice. I know you'll go far.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

as you perceive it

Without his usual confidence and her smile of approval, he found it difficult to tell her what really needed to be said. He walked towards her, his feet slipping from underneath him. He sank to the floor, but his ambition remained solid. He let out a sigh before glancing up at her disappointed, disgraceful, caring face. She stooped to his side, and she was immediately struck with the overpowering stench of alcohol.
"I need to... I need... to tell you something..."
"Shhh," she abruptly but gently halted his slurring. It's not that she didn't care. She knew they needed to get this out in the open. But not now. She embraced him and together they rose to their feet.
"I'm sorry," he said in an almost unnaturally raspy voice. His bloodshot eyes searched her expression for a glimmer of hope. Then he cut off their eye contact with a blink and a shake of his head.
"I know." Her voice revealed a hint of an "it's going to be okay" kind of tone. Her face, however, remained stone.
He clutched his stomach and drunkenly bobbed his head back up to look at her once more. Even though he was intoxicated and disoriented, the two made a mental connection for a brief moment. A sense of understanding brushed his conscience. There was more he wanted to tell her, but if he opened his mouth he felt he would vomit.
She was more aware of his discomfort than he had realized. She took his sweaty hand in hers and repeated, "I know."


When the stars flicker
Into an infinite darkness,
So will my soul.
It's inevitable,
And my heart knows it.
All the girlish charm
Fades away.
The lies I tell myself
Are dwindling down
To the hard rock-bottom
Of the ocean that is my mind.
They transform into the truths
That hadn't penetrated my conscience
Until now.
It hurts my being
As reality surfaces
To the top
And crushes me to my knees
On the bottom.
My soul
My heart
My mind
My conscience
My being
Are now hand in hand.
They join my spirit,
And the six essences
Of the work of art
That is me
Are together at last.
Although they have traveled far,
They have enough energy
To dive as a whole
Into the depths
Of the part of me
That needs to realize
It's going to be okay.

[Moving On]

You have what you want
But I got what you need.
You've got the water
But I have the seed.
We look at each other.
Between us, a distance.
We're being pulled further
You show no resistance.
I give you my love.
You give me disgrace.
The truth that I shoved
Into your blank face
Was ignored and forgotten.
My pride that you stole
Triggered that shot
Into my heart & my soul.
But I gave you forgiveness
And each time I did
I thought I deserved this.
You were so stupid.
This ended so badly.
But I chose not to regret.
This ended so sadly.
But don't forgive or forget.
Just move on . . .

Some Advice

Some people know what they're doing.
They've got it all planned out.
But others can end up screwing
With their lives, and I doubt
They will ever change.
Helpless, Foolish people
can't help but make bad memories.
Brainwashed to their own satisfaction
They can't admit
They don't
a clue.
Lying, cheating, surfing a crowd
cruising through life
Eating that bowl of cherries
that idiots claim life is made of.
Nothing's wrong with being
but having a sense that we call common
could really come to use...
more than one may think...
if one thinks.
I think not.