Thursday, May 29, 2008


He had lived his life
Only waiting to die.
He never took chances.
He never aimed high.
It never occurred to him
That there may be more
To this dull boring life
That held pain in the core.
He grew up knowing nothing.
He thought of life as a game
And as he reached the end
He would have no prize to claim.
One night, he'd had enough,
And he stormed out into the rain.
But for one surreal moment
He felt it wash away his pain.
He tilted his head back
And felt the raindrops graze his face.
For once he felt at peace
For he had found a sense of grace.
Never in his life
Had he thought he'd find bliss
In such a simple thing as rain--
On his cheek its gentle kiss.
He was never open-minded
Enough to hear the sound
Of the beauty of the world
And everything around
Like the sound of raindrops
Falling from the sky
That plummet to the Earth
That was once dull and dry.
He was never open-minded
Enough to see the sights
Of the beauty of the world
He never saw the different light
That shined on things of beauty
That appear to teem
With essences of peace
Which do instill such dreams
Of joy and happiness
In anyone that sees
The beauty of this world
Who has been set free
From the chains of disappointment
And believing in the worst
And following false hope
And never learning from the first.
Although it nearly took
This man's entire life
To learn this simple lesson
After many years of strife,
He took it all for granted
And started life anew.
He learned from his experiences
And spiritually, he grew.
He finally felt happy.
With love his heart was beaming.
Finally he felt
That life truly had a meaning.

What It's Like

It's like
being in an hourglass
sitting on top of an enormous pile
feeling like the king of the world
until the ground beneath you
begins to move
and you lose your footing
which was never really as firm as it felt.
You begin to slip
into this landslide
with every other grain of sand

and you realize
they all look exactly like you.
You find yourself
squeezed into this tiny opening
and it begins to feel like a tunnel
that has a light at the end . . .
but all you can see is darkness.
The pressure begins to ease up
and you can finally breathe again
but only for a moment.
For you find yourself
being buried beneath all this sand
and ending up
in the very opposite place which you began.

and everything goes dark.


You can't buy designer love
as a soft fur coat
and matching gloves
that you can slip on and off
when you're in the right mood
then store away for summer
then take out good as new
because love is too precious
to be bought and put away.
It's something that a heart
should be feeling every day.
Love is never out of season
because it isn't just a thing.
It's a feeling to be cherished
so take in the joy it brings
when it holds your beating heart
and flows through all your veins
and you feel liberated
from all your heavy chains.
Your inhibitions fade away
into things that you forget
and as your life floats by
you have nothing to regret.
This kind of freedom can't be bought
and shown off in flashy ways
but if it's held close to your heart
your life will see better days.
So don't go in search of love
because love will grab hold of you
when the timing is just right
and you can start your life anew.

Box o' Spirit

I've dreamt my way
into this box
where every corner
holds a secret or two
and every wall
inside and out
reveals my most despicable faults.
But the air inside this box
makes my spirit
feel effervescently liberated.
It can't hide in a corner
or sit like a fly on a wall.
It fills every essence
of the atmosphere
beyond those walls,
pushing through those corners
till it bursts out of the seams
of this box
exposing my faults
and revealing my innermost secretive thoughts.
I feel not a trace of insecurity
as every aspect of me is scrutinized.
As long as I remain true to my soul
that spreads beyond the demolished walls,
I can always feel the warm glow
of true and pure happiness,
feeling no weight on my shoulders
or in my ever-beating heart
that will always be with you.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The dorky one =P

I had never seen her before.
She looked so lonely and cold.
As she looked up, I saw her eyes
Revealing stories left untold.
They were the saddest shade of blue.
All I could do was stare.
Then she avoided eye contact,
Like she didn’t want me to care.
But of course I cared.
I just didn’t understand.
And when she fell to the ground
I offered her my hand.
But there she remained,
In her hands, her face was buried.
I felt so empathetic;
All the burdens she must carry.
My heart swelled with sadness
As I joined her on the floor.
Tears flowed through her fingers,
She couldn’t take it anymore.
Her muffled sobs grew louder
And I inched closer to her side.
I put my arm around her
And her tears I tried to dry.
I didn’t know what was wrong,
But I knew she needed me.
Though a stranger, I was wanted
More than I could see.
For the first time since we had met
She looked straight into my eyes.
"Thank you" was what she whispered,
Her eyes blue as the sky.
I knew that I had made a difference.
Her face revealed it all.
And I noticed when we stood up
That now, she seemed so tall.
I knew she was still troubled
But now she could carry on her day.
We parted with a warm embrace
And went on our separate ways.
From that day on my life has changed
Because now I know
That I can make a difference
Through what my actions show.

the Cheat

The look of anger
Intensified behind her eyes
As she stared at his face
Remembering all the lies.
But she was hardly remembering.
For forgotten, they never were.
Her unwavering gaze
Made his emotions stir.
He was uncomfortable.
She was enraged.
Their feelings, so different
But hearts on the same page.
His mental state had much remorse.
He knew he loved The Girl.
His spirit, though, held the truth.
It let reality unfurl.
For the girl he truly loved
Was not the one before him.
Would she be forgiving...?
The chances, less than slim.
She knew of the affair
But what really made her hurt
Was the scent of her perfume,
The makeup on his shirt.
She started down the hall
Then she slowed her pace.
She then released a singeing slap
right across his sorry face.
Yet she was left unsatisfied
For his expression was unchanged.
She couldn't stand him anymore.
She found him so deranged.
Her heart sank even deeper
When she heard his Lover call.
He yelled back "Just a minute"
In a sad attempt to stall.
It was pointless anyway.
The angry woman waved and left.
Turning back now, to the bedroom
of pride he was bereft.

Life...I guess.

Lifeless days

Sober nights

Drunk on darkness

He feels no hope.

She's in the next room

Gash in her heart

Bruise on her arm

Tears on her face.

The rhythm of the clock

Vibrates the air

As the walls creak

Under the pressure

Of the loneliness

And lack of love.


Between the beats

Of the clock

Keep her awake

When she wants

To sigh into sleep

And never return.

He swallows the guilt

And pounds his fist

On the ivory wall

And sends shivers

Down her cold spine.

The world drifts

into nothing

And so do they.

But all three know

That time brings memories

And these ones ought to

Burn in hell.

It's not BOREDOM, it's just cruel LAZINESS

The world seems better when
a helping hand is lent.
This load seems lighter when
another back is bent.
Since when does this bitter place
always have to be so bitter?
We wouldn't look as much like failures
if we weren't all such quitters.
It's really not called progress
if you say "I'll get to it."
You're not convincing anyone
so stop faking, hypocrite.
Passing blame like passing time
no one accepts reality.
Consequence is never claimed;
it's just all mentality.
So instead of crititcizing
just see what you can do
to improve something's well-being
and maybe your own, too.
Remember these four lines
when you need help helping out.
They will most likely help you
if your heart and mind are in doubt:
"The world seems better when
a helping hand is lent.
This load seems lighter when
another back is bent."