Thursday, May 15, 2008

The dorky one =P

I had never seen her before.
She looked so lonely and cold.
As she looked up, I saw her eyes
Revealing stories left untold.
They were the saddest shade of blue.
All I could do was stare.
Then she avoided eye contact,
Like she didn’t want me to care.
But of course I cared.
I just didn’t understand.
And when she fell to the ground
I offered her my hand.
But there she remained,
In her hands, her face was buried.
I felt so empathetic;
All the burdens she must carry.
My heart swelled with sadness
As I joined her on the floor.
Tears flowed through her fingers,
She couldn’t take it anymore.
Her muffled sobs grew louder
And I inched closer to her side.
I put my arm around her
And her tears I tried to dry.
I didn’t know what was wrong,
But I knew she needed me.
Though a stranger, I was wanted
More than I could see.
For the first time since we had met
She looked straight into my eyes.
"Thank you" was what she whispered,
Her eyes blue as the sky.
I knew that I had made a difference.
Her face revealed it all.
And I noticed when we stood up
That now, she seemed so tall.
I knew she was still troubled
But now she could carry on her day.
We parted with a warm embrace
And went on our separate ways.
From that day on my life has changed
Because now I know
That I can make a difference
Through what my actions show.

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